Pastor DeVone & First Lady Ciara Cruesoe
Pastor DeVone A. Cruesoe is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Temple of Destiny Church of the Apostolic Faith in St. Louis, Missouri. He is a dynamic and energetic preacher and teacher of the Word of God. He was born September 20, 1980 to Mattie Cruesoe and Robert Earl Miller. As a child his family attended Lively Stone Church of God under the leadership of the Honorable Bishop P.L. Scott and his son the Bishop Alphonso Scott. While at Lively Stone Church, Pastor Cruesoe served as one of the youngest choir directors for the Children’s Choir. It was then God began to use him in a special way.
In December of 1993, Pastor DeVone A. Cruesoe and his family united with Bethesda Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith Inc. under the leadership of the Honorable Bishop James A. Johnson. On August 31, 1994 Pastor Cruesoe received the gift of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Pastor Cruesoe then realized that God had a special call on his life. Pastor DeVone A. Cruesoe continued to serve in ministry at Bethesda Temple Church. While attending Bethesda Temple he served on many auxiliaries such as the Young People Department, Missionary Department, and Hospitality Committee. He also served as a choir director for the Golden Voices Youth Choir, and the Temple Voices.
On Sunday, August 31, 1999, Pastor DeVone A. Cruesoe preached his first sermon at Bethesda Temple Church entitled “Are You Ready for Your Season.” He served as a Sunday School Teacher, a member of the Ministerial Alliance and also taught youth bible study. In May of 2001 Pastor Cruesoe received an assignment from the Lord to birth Destiny Divine Ministries. Destiny Divine Ministries allowed Pastor Cruesoe to ministry before hundreds even thousands of people. Within that ministry the “What a Fellowship Conference” was birthed, that resumes every summer. The vision of that conference is to bridge all saints and Christians together for one purpose which is to celebrate the kingdom of God.
In June 2007 Pastor DeVone received another call from the Lord. Minister DeVone A. Cruesoe met with his pastor, Bishop James A. Johnson and shared with him that the Lord had called him to the office of Pastor. Bishop Johnson pronounced his blessing over Pastor Cruesoe and his ministry.
October 7, 2007 Pastor DeVone and the Temple of Destiny Church of the Apostolic Faith held its first service. He was later ordained as an Elder by Bishop Ronnie Whittier of Resurrection Fellowship Ministries Inc. on February 24, 2008. Then on September 28, 2008 Elder DeVone A. Cruesoe was installed as Pastor of the Temple of Destiny Church. Many of Pastor Cruesoe friends and family came from all over the city to support in the great milestone of his life.
In December of 2010 Pastor Cruesoe was united in Matrimony to Ciara Lynnette Reese and they have added to their union Mya E. Lewis and Camryn D. Cruesoe.
October 23, 2011 was voted in as Senior Pastor of Morgan Street Baptist Church of Boonville, Missouri, where the Lord is doing great and mighty things.
Currently Pastor DeVone A. Cruesoe and the Temple of Destiny Church are members of the Looking Unto Jesus World Wide Ministries under Bishop Alton Davis. He is also currently serves as the Senoir Pastor of Morgan Street Baptist Church in Boonville, MO. Pastor DeVone A. Cruesoe believes that God has called him to be his mouthpiece for the End Time ministry. Please continue to pray for Pastor DeVone, Lady Ciara Cruesoe and the Temple of Destiny Church and Morgan Street Baptist Church Family.
Mrs. Ciara Cruesoe is the First Lady of Temple of Destiny Church, in St. Louis, Missouri. She works diligently in service of the Lord with her husband, Pastor DeVone A. Cruesoe. She is the mother of two beautiful daughters Mya Lewis and Camryn Cruesoe.
First Lady Ciara Cruesoe was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, the eldest of three children born to Reverend Garles and Mrs. Iris Reese. She grew up in Prayer Tabernacle Church under the leadership of her uncle Reverend Wendell Reese, where she received her salvation. Through seeking and trusting she felt the power of God and received the gift of the holyghost with the evidence of speaking in tounges.
First Lady Ciara Cruesoe graduated from Hazelwood East High School in 2004; she continues to pursue a degree in nursing.
First Lady Ciara Cruesoe has been given a mandate to empower other Women of God; she serves as the Director of the Women’s Department at Temple of Destiny Church. Her mission is to minister to the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of women in the body of Christ. Her hobbies are singing, dancing, shopping, making craft, and spending time with her beautiful family. Lady Cruesoe favorite scriptures are Psalm 23:1 “The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not want.” and Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ that strength me.”